No Dignity in Aging for Older Refugee Persons in Uganda: Statement on the occasion of International Day of Older Persons, 1 October 2014

1st October, marks the 24th commemoration of the United Nations International Day of Older Persons.
Refugee Law project recognizes the contribution of the 6734 older refugees in Uganda(as per UNHCR February 2014) and raises some of the major concerns faced by this group of persons.  In Uganda, the Government, UNHCR and other local and international development partners still have a long way to go in achieving this year’s theme of “Leaving No One Behind: Promoting a Society for All”.

Elderly persons, specifically those living in urban centers like Kampala, are amongst the most vulnerable categories of refugees, and still face challenges accessing the basics of life such as food, shelter, clothing, water and medical care.

In 2012 Refugee Law Project produced a video entitled “Old Age in Exile”: please take fifteen minutes of your time today to watch it and better understand the difficult situation of many elderly refugee persons, but also the amazing contributions they make. The video can be accessed on our website HERE

Their concerns have largely been left out in the formulation and implementation of development and protection policies and programs. Not addressing older person’s concerns means not addressing the concerns of 2 per cent of the refugee population in Uganda, a critical minority group. Although the 2% figure may seem insignificant, the World Health organization has projected that a demographic revolution is underway throughout the world, and that the total of older persons will double by 2025 and will reach virtually two billion by 2050 - the vast majority of them in the developing world. Download the full statement

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