Fact sheet on The Prevention and Prohibition of Torture Act, 2012 of Uganda - Swahili version

Reaffirming our commitment to tackling torture as a heinous crime, we are pleased to share with you the Swahili version of the factsheet on The Prevention and Prohibition of Torture Act, 2012 (a while ago, we shared the English version of the same).

Through this publication, we reiterate that victims/survivors of torture are marginalized persons and it is therefore imperative that society is informed and encouraged to participate in the prevention of torture to protect persons at risk, and to facilitate the prosecution of perpetrators of torture.

In the attempt to fight 'ignorance of the law', we believe that this fact-sheet is a means of creating awareness using informative literature that emphasizes the need to report all cases of torture irrespective of the gravity of the act and the status of the person committing or conspiring to commit such acts.

In the near future, we will share with you a French version of this fact-sheet, and those in other languages thereafter. We are happy to provide printed copies should you require them.

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