Education and displacement in Uganda: RLP Advocacy Briefs (2005)

Refugees and Internally Displaced People often see education of their children as the principal way of ensuring a better future for their family. However, education in exile is often less than adequate at promoting either present or future stability. Children, parents, and teachers face numerous educational challenges in situations of displacement. More important, though, is how to address these challenges.  Advocacy workshops held in three refugee-hosting areas in Uganda involved stakeholders in planning the way forward.  Participants included parents, pupils, teachers, community leaders, UNHCR staff, implementing  partner staff, Office of the Prime Minister staff, and Ministry of Education representatives.

  1. Education and displacement in Uganda: Report on workshop in Nakivale refugee settlement (Sep 2005)
  2. Education and displacement in Uganda: Report on workshop in Kampala (Aug 2005)
  3. Education and displacement in Uganda: Report on workshop in Kyaka II refugee settlement (Aug 2005)
  4. Education and displacement in Uganda: Challenges and Way Forward (2005)

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