South–Sudan Crisis: Impact on Northern Uganda.

ACCS Project's Rapid Assesment Report. From the time the current violent conflict started in South Sudan, the Districts bordering South Sudan within Northern Uganda have been receiving refugees fleeing from the conflict in large numbers.  The immediate concerns have been security implications for post-conflict northern Uganda and attendant humanitarian crisis. This report assessed  the situation on the ground  inside the  Ugandan  border and highlights the  issues,  figures, patterns and perceptions of refugees, asylum seekers, and key stakeholders. The report also looked at the immediate social-economic  and political impact of the crisis within the refugee  host districts including the relationships between the asylum seekers/refugees and local communities. The report was prepared for early warning purposes and presented sub-regional leaders (LCVs, RDCs, DPCs, CAOs, DISOs, and UPDF representatives) from Acholi and West Nile sub-regions in Gulu on 20th January 2014.
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